There are a number of ways of adding to the accuracy of our movie of the mind. One technology is high-definition television (HDTV), which provides improved picture resolution. With HDTV the aspect ratio of the TV screen is closer to that of the eye than with conventional television. The IMAX film format comes even closer to our mind movie by removing the artificial frame around the image. The IMAX screen is so large that it fills most of our visual field. The OMNIMAX screen, even bigger and curved at the edges, does this even more effectively. Though it does not remove the border, the IMAX/OMNIMAX format allows it to be replaced by the more natural oval border of the eye as it takes a snapshot of the world.
The various media could be classified in terms of spatial dimensions. Thus, print and radio would be one-dimensional, photography and painting would be two-dimensional, sculpture and holography would be three-dimensional, dance and theatre would be four-dimensional since they add the fourth dimension of time. Film and television would be three-dimensional, the third dimension being that of time rather than depth. This next step in the progression toward a more accurate simulation of the mind movie for film would therefore involve filling in this "missing" depth dimension.
Progression is, of course, not necessarily progress. Many will resist this next step, just as many in the past resisted the introduction of movies, talkies, and colour. Many people certainly resist the retroactive introduction of colour to films originally shot in black-and-white. Whatever the arguments mustered by critics of colourization (and there are many good ones), the idea that black and white is somehow more natural, is totally unfounded. There is nothing natural about black-and-white unless you are totally colour-blind.