For further information, please consult the following publications of the HUDSON HISTORICAL SOCIETY
1973 Lois Stephenson
Glimpses of Old St. Henry
1975 Celia Nelson (Illustrated by George Sherwood)
Historic Hudson: Old Cavagnal
1977* Mary Henshaw Monserrat & Lucie Blier
Hudson: Protection of Its Architectural Heritage
1980* John Thompson
Cavagnal 1820 - 1867
1987* Pioneer Families, Volumes I - VI
1989 Marnie Clarke (Illustrated by Tim Elliott)
An Early History of the Como and Hudson Libraries
1990 Roderick L. Hodgson
Historic Hudson - Part II: A History of the Hudson Fire Department, 1948-1990
1992 Margaret A. Peyton & Roderick L. Hodgson
Historic Hudson - Part III
1995 Roderick L. Hodgson
Historical Buildings of Hudson and Area: 1792-1913
1997 Roderick L. Hodgson
T. B. Macauly & Mount Victoria Farm
1999 John Thompson
Hudson: The Early Years, up to 1867
They can be purchased from:
Hudson Historical Society
P. O. Box 802, Hudson
Quebec J0P 1H0
Village Bookshop
484 Main Road, Hudson
* Out of print. You can find them in the War Mermorial Library, 60 Elm Street