1      I am sorry about the neologisms. More words are not high in our priority of need. However, I cannot find any extant words which convey this important distinction. The closest I can come is the distinction within botany between endogenous (growing from within) and exogenous (growing by additions from the outside) factors in the growth of plants. It is ironic that the endogenous factor is recognized more in the case of simple biological systems like the yew and the iris than in the case of complex biological systems like you and I.

A footnote about footnotes. This distinction, as will be argued later, is based on the distinction between the inside-out view of the person (experience) and the outside-in view of the nervous system (behavior). I feel justified therefore in including some asides from my own personal experience as footnotes, which add some subjective flavor to the objective content in the text. This may seem somewhat self-indulgent but my own experience is the only experience I have had.

2      I anticipate - and welcome - some static from some readers for putting capitalism, socialism, and communism all in the same bed. They look like unlikely bed-mates. However, whereas communism and socialism have the redeeming grace of being inside-out in theory, they have tended so far to be outside-in in practice.

3      I owe this lovely image to my colleague Iris Fitzpatrick-Martin, but I hereby absolve her of any blame for the use to which it was put.

4      No doubt those who have a vested interest in the current view of development will try to head us off at Galtung Pass by inventing some nasty name for someone who attempts to discuss matters assigned to the molecular level at a molar level, just as they invented 'reductionist' to chide those who discuss matters assigned to the molar level at a molecular level. Perhaps we could prepare for this ambush by pre-inventing the term and rehearsing the arguments against it. Any suggestions?

5       When we refer to a person, we refer, more precisely, to the nervous system of a person. Our uniqueness lies in our nervous system. We talk to the eyes of the person rather than to the ears or the elbows because that is the only place where the nervous system is exposed. A brain transplant would differ dramatically from a heart transplant - it is the donor rather than the recipient who would survive in the recipient's body. 'Extrinsic' thus means 'from outside the nervous system' - that is, from the internal environment, consisting of the other subsystems of the body, as well as from the external environment.

6      I once had the following conversation with an immigration officer. 'How will you support yourself in the United States?' 'My publisher will pay me.' 'They can't do that.' 'Why not?' 'You will be depriving a United States citizen of a job.' 'They can't hire anyone else to write my book.' 'A good point. Have a good trip.' Few modern jobs offer such a satisfactory means of clinching an argument.

7      Another conversation - this one at a cocktail party for advertising executives. 'Who are you with?' 'I came alone.' 'I mean, which advertising agency do you work for?' 'Sorry - I'm not with any company of that kind either.' 'What do you do?' 'I do all sorts of things.' 'I mean, what is your job?' He didn't get around to asking me 'What are you worth?' but the look of disdain as he excused himself to seek more congenial company implied that he had already decided I was not worth much.

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