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REFERENCES TO STUDIES 1. Ayscough, P.B. Academic reactions to educational innovation Studies in Higher Education, March 1976, 1(1), 3-9. 2. Cordova, C.A. The human world of work: 1: The coal mine. Revisla de psicoanalisis psiquiatria y psicologia, Jan-Aug, 1975, No. 7-8, 95-118. 3. Datey B. The socio-political process of innovation and planning as demonstrated by the introduction of CEGEPs in Quebec's education system. Dissertation Abstracts International, December 1977, 38(6-A), 3738-3739. 4. Ellul, J. The Technological Society. New York: Random House, 1964. 5. Engel, J.F., R. D. Blackwell, & R.J. Kegerreis. How information is used to adopt an innovation. Journal of Advertizing Research, December 1969, 9(4), 3-8. 6. Fottler, M.D. Employee acceptance of a four-day workweek. Academy of Management Journal, December 1977, 20(4), 656-668. 7. Fox, G.L. Love match and arranged marriage in a modernizing nation: Mate selection in Ankara, Turkey. Journal of Marriage and the Family, February 1975, 37(1), 180-193. 8. Fuller, R.B. An Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press, 1969. 9. Gardner, H. On becoming a dictator. Psychology Today, December 1980, 14-19. 10. Gifford, C.S. An analysis of the relationships among teacher attitude toward curriculum and teacher/student acceptance of a programme innovation. Dissertation Abstracts International, June 1977, 371(12-A, Pt. 1), 7506-7507. 11. Lichty, S.S. State-county relationships as an influence on innovation in community mental health services. Dissertation Abstracts International, March 1975, 35(9-A), 6238-6239. 12. McConnell, J.A. The American Revolution Bicentennial observance: A study of the relationship between Bicentennial activity and teacher attitudes toward curriculum innovation in selected Wayne County, Michigan, elementary schools. Dissertation Abstracts International, May 1978, 38(11-A), 6504. 13. Pengov, R.E. Key individual, social and innovation variables influencing the diffusion of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). Dissertation Abstracts International, August 1977, 38(2-A), 743. 14. Pool, I. de S. (Editor), The Social Impact of the Telephone. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1.977. 15. Primack, J. & F. von Hippel. Advice and dissent. Scientists in the political arena. New York: New American Library, 1974. 16. Stern, C. & E.R. Keislar. Teacher attitudes and attitude change: A research review. Journal of Research and Development in Education. Winter 1977, 10(2), 63-76. 17. Ugorji, R.U. The significance of bicycles in a Nigerian village. Journal of Social Psychology. August 1977, 102(2), 241-246. 18. Verbrugge, L.M. Peers as recruiters: Family planning communications of West Malaysian acceptors. Journal of Health and Social Research Methodology Behavior, March 1978, 19(1), 51-68. 19. Weaver, J.L. Value patterns of a Latin American bureaucracy. Human Relations, June 1970, 23(3), 225-233. |
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